How To Read Critically

Knowing how to read a text critically can be a lifesaver when you are pressed for time, or exhausted from reading long, wordy research papers. Here are some tips on how you can read or study your materials more effectively! 

Using different ways of reading 

It is important to always have the purpose of reading your material in mind: 

  1. Skim-reading - if you merely want to verify the text’s relevance, or sieve out the main point of the material, you may adopt this technique. You may pay more attention to the first and last sentence of each paragraph, which usually carry the main point, or read the abstract and conclusion of the text. 

  2. Scan for detail - this technique is useful if you are sieving out a specific detail of the text (e.g. statistics, reasons, etc). Scan the text for the sections that may include these details using headings or subheadings, and read the parts focussing on how it addresses your purpose or question. 

  3. Reading closely - close reading involves paying attention to the main idea, details as well as language or structure of the text. It involves drawing inferences and conclusions about that writer’s attitudes and implications. This technique can be used when the text is highly relevant to your purpose. You may want to annotate the text while using this reading technique. 

  4. Comparing different parts of the text - this technique is useful to determine the consistency of claims and logical development of ideas. For example, comparing the methods, results and conclusions of a research paper to see how well they align. 

Asking critical questions

Whether skimming or reading the text closely, these questions will help you to better focus your attention on the main points of the text, as well as draw inferences from it more effectively. You may ask: 

  • What is the key message of the text? 

  • Who is the text written for? 

  • What is the context (social, political, cultural etc) of the text? 

  • What evidence is presented to support the message of the text? 

  • What makes this evidence convincing or not? 

  • How does this text relate to my assignment plan on the topic?

Reading critically is an essential skill that is not only relevant for the IB, but in real world situations. It is important to grasp and put this skill into practice, as well as make connections between what you are learning and the world around you. 


By: Shana Lam


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