How To Schedule And Stick To It

One of the things that helps you stay organised in a hectic lifestyle is having a schedule. Here are some tips on how to build a schedule, and stick to it: 

Building a schedule 

  1. Have a to-do list : This may be a daily, weekly or monthly to-do list. Take stock of all the tasks you have to complete, be it short-term and long-term, and write them down before organising them. 

  2. Take note of important tasks: Underline or highlight the tasks that require more attention and time. This will help you block out time to complete these tasks. 

  3. Write down your appointments and/or events that cannot be rescheduled: Make it a habit to write down your commitments on your planner or calendar, which will help you schedule study sessions around them. 

  4. Map out time frames: Whether using a physical or online calendar or planner, mark out a time frame of your schedule. Usually, weekly planners or monthly calendars work best for planning out your commitments! 

  5. Make time for self-care: While it may seem insignificant, scheduling time out to recharge and rejuvenate will greatly improve your mental frame and allow you to destress. This may be an hour on a Friday night, or a day of rest during the weekends. 

Sticking to schedule 

Here are some tips on how you can stick to your schedule: 

  • Set alarms or notifications on your phone to keep track of time. For example, if you have set time aside to exercise, set a reminder to do so. 

  • Keep everything on your agenda in one place. Be it online or on paper, make sure all your commitments and tasks are written down in the same area to prevent double-booking yourself. 

  • Focus on one thing at a time. Avoid multitasking as much as possible. 

  • Be realistic when creating your schedule. Don’t overcommit or schedule too many things in a day. Try, as much as possible, to space out your commitments and allow yourself to take breaks. 


By: Shana Lam


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