The Curve of Forgetting
Have you ever read something and forgot what you read almost immediately? This phenomenon can be explained using Ebbinghaus’s Curve of Forgetting, with research dating back to 1885. This model states that the biggest drop in retention occurs right after acquiring the information. Simply put, if the information is not reviewed consistently after the original learning, you are most likely to forget it.
The Forgetting Curve (
The easiest way to combat this Curve of Forgetting is to employ a Distributive Learning method. Review the material that needs to be memorised in intervals, and the Curve of Forgetting becomes less and less steep each time!
Here’s how Distributive Learning works:
Review the material a few hours after the original learning - this is why teachers give you worksheets to do in class!
Review the material a few days after the original learning - by then, you would have grasped the concept.
Review the material a few weeks after the original learning - by then, you would have retained most of the information!
Other methods of outsmarting this Curve of Forgetting include:
Making learning meaningful - rather than memorising the material word-for-word, it is helpful to associate the material with a real world context, or a personal experience.
Reducing cognitive load - avoid multitasking or other distractions when you are memorising content.
Practise active recall - when reviewing the material, list down all the information or concepts related to the topic before re-reading the content for long term memorisation.
By: Shana Lam